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29 Apr

Electric Co: Conny Groenewegen Redefines Knitwear

Introducing her signature concept of “soft-tech” combining modern techniques, Conny Groenewegen displays her current collection at a collective presentation at Le Meurice Hotel, Paris. Dotted around the luxurious suite are Conny’s textile creations from her latest project Electric Co and we’re eager to know exactly how she manipulates the fabrics and yarns into these future-esque pieces. It’s clear to see why this blend of craftsmanship and innovative methods are so appealing, with her brand drawing wide interest internationally. Since establishing her brand in 2006, Conny Groenewegen has worked with other international brands, including Yoshiki Hishinuma, Alexander van Slobbe and Droog Design. With her F/W 2012/13 collection “Alchemy” she won the Mercedes-Benz Dutch Fashion Awards.

We caught up with Conny to find out what makes her techniques so unusual; we were dying to know how she manages to work with her yarns in such a way and the role in which plastics play in her creations. Watch our video with Conny above.


Anna Deutsch
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